Thursday, February 25, 2010

My New Accessory February 24, 2010

So...I'm sitting at my desk minding my own business last night, and this happens. I can't even describe how it happened. One moment there was no kitten in sight, and the next, I was afraid for my life. These pictures were taken after I panicked, stood up, walked to the other room to get my camera, and came back. She never budged.


  1. Awesome! Okay, so now imagine this happening while you're driving, except with a much tubbier kitty! That's what Gui was doing when I drove over to your place for the kitty play date! Damned cat!

  2. Btw, the last one is fantastic (my favorite)! Lucy's like, "Mom, what the heck are you doing? I'm just reason to take a picture!"
