Thursday, February 25, 2010

My New Accessory February 24, 2010

So...I'm sitting at my desk minding my own business last night, and this happens. I can't even describe how it happened. One moment there was no kitten in sight, and the next, I was afraid for my life. These pictures were taken after I panicked, stood up, walked to the other room to get my camera, and came back. She never budged.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

Vicious Mouse Hunter

I just love the little hop she does when she pounces on things!

This is the life.

Ahh yes, do that. Purr. Purr.

Unsuccessful Playdate 2.13.09

My friend Jessica has a kitten, Guillermo, the same age as Lucy. We've been planning a playdate since we got them in September/October, but Lucy's health has been a constant deterrent. Now that's she's healthy, we were so excited for them to meet each other. We both had snuggly, furry visions of BFF kittens. But that's not how it went down.


Note the size of Lucy's tail.

Guillermo being cute while Lucy was being a jerk.

Sleepy Lucy dozing while facing in Guillermo's direction in case of emergency. Now he was the one being a jerk.

Hanging out on the couch between Mom and Aunt J. Maybe they will keep that jerk away! She looks so little in this picture, like she did when she was a baby. Awww.

Glass: What Birds Are Thankful For

It's okay, guys, you're safe here!

I'm Nothing But a Pillow

Thursday, February 11, 2010

My Workspace

Exactly how am I supposed to get anything done? This is the normal view when I am on my computer.

So I was grading papers (I have my students email them to me), and I left my desk for just a minute for one reason or another. When I came back, this comment was on my student's paper. Way to go, Lucy!